Frequently Asked Questions

  • 1. Will there be an expansion of The New School?

    Yes, we are beginning grade school in June 2024 and gradually take it forward by introducing one new grade each year as our founding batch of students grows with us. We plan to have till grade 12.

  • 2. Which board will The New school be affiliated with?

    We will be affiliated with CBSE board. We do have plans of opening a campus affiliated with IgCSE in the future.

  • 3. When does academic learning start?

    Academic learning starts from grade 1. The nature of learning should be self-motivated coming from within the child. Children under 6 years of age are naturally driven towards play and they love to constantly move. We strongly believe that if a child is made to sit down and do lots of academic learning, the push to read or write comes from outside him.
    And continuous hours of learning at school and at home as homework doesn't allow a child to be a child. This causes a great deal of imbalance in the growing child as all his needs are replaced with formal learning.
    In many parts of the world, academic learning starts late around 6 to 7 years of age. For instance: Finland has the best education system in the world as they practice a holistic approach towards educating children and one of the key features is starting academic learning in grade 1.

  • 4. If academics is not introduced in kindergarten, what will they learn?

    Learning is an eternal process. It starts right from the moment we are born. Babies reach all the necessary developmental and crucial milestones without outside help purely with their own will and instinct. Our curriculum builds a strong foundation, which is essential for them to face challenges in life and to follow their dreams no matter what.
    Practical life skills, language rich in vocabulary, social and emotional development, hand-eye coordination, ability to focus and concentrate, memory, value systems, to develop kindness, fine and gross motor skills, left and right brain development and coordination, sensory development, to be able to think out of the box to name a few of what a stress-free curriculum offers.
    We also give a lot of importance to their emotion while learning. If something is taught when they are stressed out or threatened, the body goes into survival mode and the flight-fight-fight response is turned on, making learning difficult and shattering self-confidence. We take them with us in a motherly embrace and grow along with them, helping them when they need us. They feel safe, secure and happy while letting their unconscious and instinctive learning unfold and do wonders.

  • 5. If my child is allowed to play most of the time, won’t she find grade school to be stressful?

    The answer is no. Be it an adult or a child, time management is pivotal. When they show school readiness, it means they are mature enough to be able to sit for a longer duration on their own and focus on what they do. Young kindergarteners have a constant urge to be physically active; they run, jump, play, crawl, etc in the middle of anything and they are the happiest when they are active. It is almost against their will to be made to sit for a longer duration for the sake of reading or writing.
    In the lower grades, learning is pictorial and through stories, rather than difficult-to-understand facts. A true sense of interest in the subject is kindled and topics are introduced spinning a beautiful story around it. This way they bond with their subject and the experience is memorable.
    There is a certain time allotted for each activity every day- study, play, music, movement, other artistic activities, doing chores, cleaning up, gardening, nature walking, etc. This rhythm helps them understand time management. As there is time for other things they desire, they are focused while they study.
    Studying every day for some time on their own, not as homework or before assessment builds a powerful habit that then continues into adulthood as an ability to stay committed and devoted in everything they do. One should study out of interest and not out of compulsion. If children are taught to learn this way, academic learning and assessments won’t be stressful.

  • 6. Will my child be lagging behind if academics is taught from grade 1?

    Introducing formal learning in grade 1 doesn’t make them lag behind. If our children are compared with children who start early academic learning, it may seem like they are lagging. But in reality, they are not. They catch up with other school kids by grade 2, with a better understanding of their subject and a keen interest in academic learning.
    As caring parents, we tend to compare our kid’s abilities with other kids. At The New School, we strongly believe each child is unique and should be celebrated for who he is. His potential to score better marks or perform well in front of an audience does not define him.

  • 7. In our fast-paced competitive world, how can one succeed with a curriculum that appears laid back?

    Our world is not just competitive, it is unpredictable. At one point in time, telegrams were emergency communication tools, they are obsolete now. We don’t just get children acquainted with taking part in competitive examinations, we also nurture them holistically to face an uncertain future.
    They are introduced to conventional assessments and examinations from grade 6. The foundation that was laid in earlier grades will help them to score well and face tests without fear.
    Our curriculum may seem relaxed or laid back. But the truth is, our children put in a lot more effort and hard work when it comes to academic excellence. This way, they enjoy working towards their goals and dreams and don't feel pressurised.

  • 8. If my child has to change schools, will he/she be able to adapt?

    They will find it difficult to adapt to a new environment, but they eventually will. A child will face more difficulties if he is made to change in grade 1, as we start academic learning only then. If he goes to a school that teaches early, he will have a lot of catching up to do.
    My humble note to parents is that please take a firm decision in this regard. This school has been started for a cause and the cause is holistic growth. I am very confident about The New School’s children’s success in facing this world when they grow up.
    They will know what they want in life, how to hold conversions, how to handle stress, when to be compassionate and when to be resilient and they will be confident with a charming personality making a difference in the world.

  • 9. How are teachers trained?

    We hire teachers who are passionate about being with children and who are open and willing to learn more about child development. We conduct text studies, listen to lectures, we take advantage of online training programs and learn from great educational reformers.

  • 10. What are the policies on parents’ involvement with their children at school?

    All the children spend the first few years of their life amidst the love and affection of their parents/ grandparents or primary caregivers. For them, the first day at school is a big change as the place, teachers and fellow children are new and unfamiliar. They would feel comfortable and secure with a familiar person around for a few days. When parents are planning to enrol their child in a kindergarten, they have to understand that each child is unique; while some kids instantly adapt to the new environment of the school others are still learning to adjust and trust the new surroundings. Another important factor to be taken into consideration is a child’s readiness for schooling or else he/she may find it very difficult to cope.
    The presence of a primary caregiver is essential during this transitioning phase because it helps them in providing the right kind of support where they don’t feel pressurised. We believe that a child’s formative years have a huge and long-lasting impact on their overall well-being in future life so we encourage one parent/ grandparent to be in the school initially for the settling period till the child trusts and adapts to the new rhythm and builds a healthy bond with his/her teachers.

  • 11. Does the school provide transportation facilities for students?

    Yes. We do provide transportation facilities. We follow all the safety precautions and one staff will be accompanying children at all times to ensure their safety. Please contact us for further details.